LA Flex

Local Authority Flexible Eligibility (LA Flex)

Flexible Eligibility, often shortened to ‘LA Flex’, is a part of the government’s Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme that helps UK households reduce their energy bills and carbon emissions. 

Councils have been given the power to widen the eligibility criteria for ECO, allowing them to tailor energy efficiency schemes to their respective area. 

This allows more residents, in addition to those claiming benefits, to qualify for ECO funding. Criteria have been extended beyond just income, benefits received or type of heating to include health issues, age of occupant or area.

Local authorities use LA Flex to help homeowners and private renting tenants benefit from the installation of home energy efficiency measures. (However, the Flexible Eligibility route is not applicable for social housing tenants)

This is normally achieved by subsidising the cost (up to 100%) of installing energy saving measures – such as solar PV, air source heat pumps and new boilers.

Do I qualify for LA Flex funding?

You will qualify for LA Flex if your household income is less than £31,000 OR if anyone in your household has been identified as having a cardiovascular, respiratory or limited mobility condition.

What are my next steps?

If you qualify under the LA Flex, contact us on 01777 717278 or e-mail us. We’re here to help.

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